We have placed a sign at the front gate which restricts 5m+ vehicles from entering the car park. This is not an anti - motorhome sign but a warning that our car park cannot accommodate these large vehicles particularly during busy times. We have had two accidents involving larger vehicle hitting the building and a car. We have a great deal of visitors and the safety of these visitors is our priority.
Happy Easter
Dana at the centre has been doing her bit to enter into the Easter spirit and welcome visitors.
New Arrivals
Easter is here and it is great to welcome the new lambs and calf in the fields. Although very cute we do ask visitors to the area to give the newborns and parents room and not cause any additional stress to them.
Beach Clean
On Saturday 17th March 25 of the local community including holiday makers spent several hours doing a beach clean on the shores close to the centre. Shocking as it was we managed to fill a trailer with mainly plastic related items. This action we hope helps protect the fantastic wildlife that we are fortunate to have in Ardnamurchan. Further beach cleans will need to be arranged unless people take responsibility for disposing of litter correctly. Many thanks to all those who helped at the event. Kilchoan residents will also be holding a beach clean soon and we wish them ever...
Our New Exhibition
Heritage Ardnamurchan Celebrating the History & Heritage of the Ardnamurchan Peninsula New for 2018. The Ardnamurchan History & Heritage Association have spent many hours over the winter turning part of the living building into a fantastic exhibition. This is free to enter and makes a great addition to the current living nature exhibition. Further information on the Heritage Association is available through this link The Highlands video continues to play also throughout the day in the cinema room.